Sold [WTS] S>Two fully geared chars [NA] 27k attack+

Discussion in 'Vindictus Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by JoshuaSharpe, 11/10/17.

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  1. JoshuaSharpe

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    No time to play with school, work, and lack of interest to keep playing, I'm deciding to sell my accounts. Can add me on skype at Joshuasharpe1899 should see picture of the white guy lol.

    First account is my Karok which I put most of my time into, fully geared except missing one ring. Also has golden god title completed.

    Has a +15 5* double scrolled level 90 cestus, all +12 3* orange double scrolled dullahan armor (Helm is 4* though), Fast passion +2 crit blue kitty brooch, Dead passion +2 Balance Frozen thorn, Fast berserker +2 crit Innocent cry, Subdued passion +2 balance woeful belt, Fast passion +2 balance kitty necklace, 273m remaining, and tons of NX items which I'll put in the screenshots.

    S/O 400 B/O 600

    Wouldn't allow me to post the link without spaces so you can find the screenshots at h tt p s : // i mgu r .c om/a /kN uU k (Of course remove spaces.)

    Second account is a Hurk I bought a few days ago from a buddy, but can't enjoy the game so I'll just resell.

    Has a +12 4* double scrolled Dullahan greatsword (all orange), +12 mostly double scrolled dullahan armor aswell, helm is +13 though. (All orange except pants/chest which are purple and still tradeable) Significant passion innocent cry, Subdued passion woeful belt, The dead frozen thorn, The dead passion thunder ring, Fast berserker +2 crit blue kitty brooch, nx items, and avatar sets etc.

    S/O 125 B/O 200

    ht tps : //i mgu r . c om/a /J x4 C A (Again remove spaces.)

    Can show stats etc on skype.
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