Sold [WTS] S> EAST gold $20USD/100m

Discussion in 'Vindictus Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Delightee, 2/19/17.

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  1. Delightee

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    Price: $20USD/100m
    Current Stock: 400m (will be updated)
    Skype: Delightee

    My other thread was deleted for "not providing proof" so I'm creating this one again.
    I wasn't sure which proof I was supposed to provide so I'll try to provide proof that I have the gold/can provide the service (according to the rules, this is the one I seem to have missed) and that the vouches (in the deleted thread) were authentic.

    The proof is in the attachments pending approval

    Rapsodia bought 3b total in 15 payments (the first $0.10 was to test out the latency of transfer). He/she was given a # rate for buying in bulk.

    하 유리 남 bought 500m all in one go.

    KaJ first purchased 50m, then 150m.

    To mods: I can provide other proof if this is not enough. Please warn me before deleting. I will edit the thread :).
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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