Sold [WTS] S>25k Attack Hurk [East]

Discussion in 'Vindictus Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by AmbixVindictus, 2/27/17.

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  1. AmbixVindictus

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    Was going to finish gearing him, but can't find the motivation to play anymore. Basically just going to sell as is, still a pretty decked character.
    Looking for 250$ USD. Comes with original email etc. Either you go first, or we can find a middleman from playerup.
    http: //imgur .com/a/DEIA9(Remove spaces)

    +13 3* Immoral Spirited Regina Greatsword
    3* Enlightented Terminus Sentinel Helm
    3* Declarative Terminus Sentinel Gloves
    2* Declarative Terminus Sentinel Boots
    2* Orange solid Terminus Sentinel Pants
    3* Temporal Master Terminus Sentinel Chest
    Thunder rings x2, 3* Pirate earrings, Emerald Belt, Diamond bracelets x2. No enchanted accessories unfortunately.
    Around 70m gold on the account aswell.

    NX Items: Rockstar outfitter, two premium enhancement runes, a couple dyes, and some other random nx stuff.

    Can contact me on skype: mynameisambix (Picture of a guy with a white hat on.) Or reply here.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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