Selling WTS RUDY 40 FT ACE 38 (soon will be 40 from 200th...

Discussion in 'Seven Knights Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Galih Radhitya Zulsisfar, 5/8/16.

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  1. Galih Radhitya Zulsisfar

    Galih Radhitya Zulsisfar
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    WTS RUDY 40 FT ACE 38 (soon will be 40 from 200th days event or Chessboard) $400 - Jakarta, Indonesia WTS ACC 7K SERVER ASIA IGN : 一TRANCE一 LV : 64 Shining Future! Spec: Arena Qualification, Min 4300-4600 every weeks (Win rate 70%) Max Transc Hero : 10th Hero Rudy 40 (F.E + Costume + Full Gems) Diaochan 40 (F.E + 2 Gems) Daisy 40 (F.E + 2 Gems) Shane 40 (F.E) Nia 40 (F.E + Full Gems) May 40 (F.E + Costume) Velika 40 (F.E) Lucy 40 (F.E) Ruri 40 (F.E) Alice 40 (F.E) Next 40 Hero Transc: Ace 38 (F.E + Costume + Full Gems) (soon 40, from Chessboard or 200th days event) Lina 34 (F.E) Xiao 32 + 1 b4 (Silver Border) (ready 34, the most important hero for map 10, 11, 12, many void shield) Leo 32 (F.E) Karon 32 Fengyan (ready 40) Zhuge Liang (ready 40) Yu Shin 30 Leah 1 pcs Fina 2 pcs many 2s/3s/4s Element (Dark, Fire, Water, Earth, Light) and many more, u can check in game or screenshoot below Unit 7k n 4L Ace 38 (F.E + Costume + Full Gems) Spike 32 (F.E + Costume + Full Gems) Elieen 30 (F.E + Costume) Selector 7k in a few days Anti CR ready all day: Yui for Dellons Lania for Spike Victoria (Costume Swimsuit) for Eileene Leo for Kriss Karon for Rudy Celestial Tower for now I just stop at 112 (because I need selector hero for the future hehe), CR Normal, and ready for Dragon Team If u're serious buyer, please do not hesitate to contact me via Line: galihradhitya or FB: Galih Radhitya Zulsisfar I'm still playing this account, so it will changing the spec for these account. Thanks ADMIN NB: F.E = Full Equipped PRICE #
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