Wts: Rsgold 10M-1.4B

Discussion in 'Runescape Gold for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by RS, 10/12/13.

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  1. RS

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    I'm selling my Berserker Account Combat Level- 93 Notable Stats: 75 Attack 92 Strength 45 Defence 85 "Constitution" 75 Magic 52 Prayer 81 Range 77 Fishing 70 Slayer Has done every quest a zerker would need other than korasi quest and curse prayers quest. Has Barrows gloves and rune defenders. I'm gonna stop playing on it cause i lost everything (Fire cape + torso) and im just over it. I'm only taking RS GP though (To my main). So offer up... you can offer here, but I'll respond faster through a private message. Any questions or further details? PM me.
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