Selling WTS RR100 WH 90 Slayer + 81 AND BELOW ALTS I have...

Discussion in 'Warhammer Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Warface Accounts - Buy Sell Trade, 8/9/13.

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  1. Warface Accounts - Buy Sell Trade

    High Risk Status: This user has been flagged as high risk due to one or more reasons

    WTS RR100 WH 90 Slayer + 81 AND BELOW ALTS I have an account with a rr100 WH, rr90 Slayer, 86 KOTBS, 79 SW, 75 WL, 81 RP, and a rr69 BO along with a handful of alts arranging from higher level t3 characters to old lowbie toons. The rr100 WH: 4/5 WF and 2 WF Weapons (Missing Chest) Full off. DF 5/5 rr90 weap + lotd weap with 5% crit 96 melee power 3 tovl jewels, tovl backpiece, LOTD MP Cloak + Jewels All purple talis +23 str, 4% crit 2k gold The RR90 Slayer 3 OFF DF 2 Def DF 23 WS tali's + 1 24 STR Tali 2RR90 Weapons+2 3 Glyphs + lotd cloak+jewel 1k gold The 79 SW 2 tovl Glyph(not including store bought), lod cloak + back 2 rr75 weapons The 75 WL 2 Tovl Glyph(needs Boss 2 and boss 4 Glyph), Tovl Backpiece, LOTD Cloak+Backpiece 1 Piece WF 1 Piece DF The 81 RP No Glyph/lotd gear 8k Crests Overall gold on all of toons 4k gold On destro, 500g overall. I have about 2k Gold Scarabs on order side and destro side as well. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This account has the Redeemable 70% 40rr60 Mount, 3% speed boosting goblin, Lash of Servitude, Screaming Bell, 5 Professional Head Shot Tokens, and the RVR Personality Pack. (as many as you like on all old and new chars) The account sub is currently active and I DO have the secert question/answer. I can provide screen shots, and I will sell the account if I am made a fair offer. You can PM me here or add me on skype @ Uxzpro, I am on skype every time I'm at the Computer
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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