WTS: RK-1 Free account buffing toons & regular ones

Discussion in 'Anarchy Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Anarchy, 9/30/13.

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  1. Anarchy

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    Yep like tittle says, I have free account aka froob buffing toons for sale at 20 € per account, I also have various tittle level 4 froob barebone accounts for 15 € per account, that allow you to invest skills, and equip them however you want. I will list some of the most important nanos the buffing characters are able to self cast. Agent nanos: Enchanced Senses Feline Grace Unexpected Attack Take the Shot Ruse of Taren - Phase 3 Doctor nanos: Superior First Aid Iron Circle Engineer nanos: Extreme Prejudice #-Physicist nanos: All Mochams All Infuses All Masteries All Teachings Mocham's Neural Interface-Web Calling of Curatem The Grand (level 169 heal pet) Soldier nanos: Riot Control Trader nanos: 131/132 Wrangles 500/1000 Lend Nano All Five Maestros (+125 Tradeskill buffs) Accepting payment via Paypal and Moneybookers, also you need to have some sort of history or reputation either here at , or the old . site, being verified would also suffice. If interested leave a reply here, and add me on messenger.
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