Hi, Platinum are sold, but account is still up to sell. Here is what I'm selling: 50 Rogue Bahmi Stuff (DPS): Full T2 (best opti, ready for raid, 2 items T3: Helm and a Ring) stats: Str: 325 dex: 550 Pa: 475 Crit: 934 Hit: 243 Planar Focus: 5 Epic Planar Essence and 1 Blue Planar Essence I Was working on a stuff tank before quiting the game, so there is a stuff Tank ready for T1 and T2 instances, with Planar focus Tank... If you want to play tank sometimes, it is possible. 28 Mounts: 11 Epic Mount (110%) 9 Rare Mounts (90%) 8 Common Mounts (60%) Account is a Collector Edition with every collector Bonus Professions: Outfitter: Master 300/300 (rare epic recipes) Runecrafter: Master 300/300 (rare epic recipes) Foraging: Master 281/300 (New Profession for Plants, which means Elixir from Apothecary for free) Compagnions: 40 Artefact: Only 3 collection left, all others are done. Notoriety: All PvE Notoriety are level max. Free Server Transfert: Up Free Character Rename Achivements: score 4865, 196 first server Discoveries. A lot of titles: I think that I have all the PvE titles actually in the game I accept service. PM me your offer