WTS: Rift Account, has all 3 referral rewards (yes mount) and several plat.

Discussion in 'Rift Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Rift, 10/1/13.

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  1. Rift

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    I have several level 20-27 characters and all the referral rewards unlocked, so every character you make will get the Mini pet, Hat, and Mount. Also run a guild on my server so you can pick that up or leave it if you want. I am selling it for cheap since there isnt much on it. I am Original Owner. I am asking 30$ for the whole account. #. ---------- Post added 06-28-2011 at 10:07 PM ---------- meant 20$ thanks. Also forgot to post my AIM name: dainishlawlpants bump before contacting thanks.
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