Selling  High End  Rank 151-174  Android WTS Rank 171 Account | 144 SSR Characters + many paid Outfits (#)

Discussion in 'Granblue Fantasy Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by flightdeckchest, 8/31/19.

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  1. flightdeckchest

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    Hello, I want to sell this GBF account.

    Info about the account:

    144 SSR characters:

    notable characters

    P.Gala: Eugen (grand), Ferry (grand), Rackam (grand), Rosseta (grand)

    Zodiac: Khumbira

    F.Gala: Orchid, Sturm, Drang, Vira, Europa

    Seasonal characters: Arulu (Xmas), Beatrix (Summer), Cagliostro (Summer), Europa (Summer), Grea (Summer) , Eustace (Halloween), Ilsa (Summer), Izmir (Summer), Korwa (Summer), Mary (Xmas), Medusa (Valentine), Metera (Xmas), Naoise (Summer), Narmaya (Summer), Percival (Summer), Sieg (Summer), Charlotta (Halloween), De La Fille (Summer)

    about the eternals:

    There are 6/10 eternals (Threo, Quatre, Seox, Seofon, Okto, Nio), 2 FLB (Threo and Seox) 4 Box done for Funf and 18/40 boxes done for FLB Nio.

    Notable summons: Shiva, Athena, Europa, Thor, Freyr, Lucifer, Alexiel, Grimnir, SSR Hanged Man, Surtr, Bonito

    Also I pulled the new dual unit (Stan and Aliza)

    You can check everything in the album.

    About the outfits: (For the characters I will just mention the paid outfits)

    MC costumes: Xmas (Holly Jolly), Idol (Kimi to boku no mirai), Vermilion, Survey corps, Yukata, Racing suit.

    Altair: Tactician's livery

    Andira: Flower Frolic

    Anila: Sleepyhead Sheep

    Cagliostro: Dreamy, Dreamy Alchemy

    Charlotta: Petalfall Kimono

    Heles: Evening Dress

    Lancelot: Dragon Knight

    Mahira: Soft and Fluffy

    Narmaya: Visions of Butterflies

    Pervical: Abend Stil

    Rosetta: Blush Kimono

    Sandalphon: Primarch Afterhours, Primarch of Promises

    Seofon: Summer

    Seox: Bleu Clair

    Seruel: Irestill formal

    Siegfried: Dragon Knight

    Silva: Gentian Blue

    Threo: Summer

    Vira: Idol

    Zooey: Dual cosmos

    Some other info:

    11 damas and 1 GB still in the shop.

    2 rings available in the shop.

    46 GM

    2 AK-4A (1 in the stash and the other still in the crate)

    If you are interested contact me here or discord for any question (Roukami#1948), let me know your offer.

    I also can trade this account for a FGO account.

    The account has never been banned before.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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