Sold WTS Rank 130 account S. Zooey, S.Grea, Athena, Kubira, Andira. Song, S. Alexiel,G....

Discussion in 'Granblue Fantasy Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/The333d, 9/8/19.

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  1. /u/The333d

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    Notable characters: Orchid, S.Zooey, S.Naoise, Lucio, Song 4*, S. Sigfried, Lecia, S. Alexiel, Andira, S. Rosseta, Eugen,S. Vira, S,Grea, Pholia, S. Izmir, Athena, S. Beatrix, S. Percival, Rackam.

    Notable Summons: Agni, Shiva x2, Sylph x2, Michael x3, S. Satyr, Varuna, Kaguya x2, Europa x3, Bonito FLB, Titan x2, Uriel x2, Alexiel x2, Raphael, Lucifer, Demi Zeus, Hades, Death 3*, Sariel.

    130 full elixir, 4285 half, 366 soul balm, 11460 soul berries, 4 gold bricks,13 chocobars, (8 gold bricks and 14 chocobars available on the store), 3 sunlight stones. SD available but honestly i dont remember exactly when i've created the account, what i know is that it included Andira, but the account already have her ;).

    $100 dollars, MM if required (you pay for it), payment by Paypal. May lower the price a little, no lowballers please.

    Any enquires feel free to contact me by DM (i dont use Discord currently).

    I do have as well some very nice starters including S. Zooey, Zodiacs and lots of limiteds, feel free to ask me for it.

    # #/The333d
    # .
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