Sold WTS> Rank 109 (Very strong potential for water/light primal grid) good characters included

Discussion in 'Granblue Fantasy Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/Maomiao, 8/3/19.

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  1. /u/Maomiao

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    WTS Fresh into HL rank 109 account. (EXTREMELY strong potential for a primal Light/Water grid)


    Has : 86 SSR characters

    Limited characters include:

    Fire: S.Bea, Sturm

    Water: Katalina, Drang, S.Grea, Europa, S.Europa

    Earth: Alexial, S.Rosetta, S.Vira, Cain

    Wind: S.Siegfried, S.Jeane

    Light: S.Zeta, Lucio, Chevira

    Dark: S.Zoey, H.Calig

    Notable summons include: (all 0 *)

    Athena, Varuna, Kaguya, 3 alexials, Lucifer, Grand Order, hall & mell, Bahamut, Hades

    What notable weapons are there? (all 0 *)

    3x blue sphere

    4x eden

    2x ribbon

    1x certificus

    1x ixaba

    1x murgleis

    1x stratomizer

    1x mirror blade shard

    1x Galilei's Insight

    1x Ichigo

    1 or more of each grand/limited owned char weapon etc


    Store GB and INGOT not touched ~ 36 GM, 129 SM, 194 BM Story is up to chapter 70 with barely any free quest touched, Only 6 side stories have been completed meaning you can very easily save up for spark.

    SD dash is during S.Jeane release, BK/Orchid/DAO/summer chars available etc

    PM me on discord zelnite#2486 if you'd like to know more or need more pics.

    Price: 120$ Paypal # MM Fee is buyers to pay

    # #/Maomiao
    # .
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