Selling [WTS] Rainbow Six Siege - Standard Edition - RANK: DIAMOND

Discussion in 'Rainbow Six Siege Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by GR4M4TIK, 3/25/17.

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  1. GR4M4TIK

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    Hey folks,

    I am selling Rainbow Six Siege Game Accounts - activated only on uplay - that are already played to DIAMOND.

    What means DIAMOND? Diamond is the highest reachable rank in Rainbow's ranking system and means that you are one of the 0.5% top ranked players in leaderboard (source: Ubisoft).

    PRICING: 60€ each via Paypal (20€ for the key and 40€ for the boost)

    I have always at least one on stock - just ask me.

    How is it done? Key bought -> activated on a fresh uplay account -> played to Diamond -> sell them.
    - just skilled plays and our experience to succeed

    The e-mail is yours after the purchase.

    skype: gr4m4tik
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    #1 GR4M4TIK, 3/25/17
    Last edited by a moderator: 11/26/18
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