Selling [WTS] Rainbow Six Siege Renown Services- 50k Renown/250k EXP!

Discussion in 'Rainbow Six Siege Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by guille3, 7/13/17.

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  1. guille3

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    Rainbow Six Siege Renown Services - Get 50,000 Renown daily- RISK FREE.

    We can add 50,000 renown and 250,000 XP to your Rainbow Six account each day. This is completely safe and I don’t even need your login information. I just need your Uplay name, no password or email required. You don’t have to sign out or anything. We can add a small amount of renown to your account as proof.

    $5.00 - 1 Day = 50,000 Renown
    $10.00 - 3 Days = 150,000 Renown
    $20.00 - 7 Days = 350,000 Renown

    Each day it includes 250k EXP and 50k Renown. Days can be given to multiple accounts or friends.

    Seems too good to be true? Join us on D i s c o rd, we will send you 1,000 Renowns for you to confirm is legit and it works! There’s also hundreds of vouches you to read!

    Join us on ******* for more information or add me in Skype @thecrudot62011.
    d i s c o r



    Giving away 2 free Vouches to staff members.
    #1 guille3, 7/13/17
    Last edited by a moderator: 11/24/18
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