I am interested in selling my RO account. It is not for the real game - it is for a private server. I impulsively donated $60 (when you donate you get godly items and such) and have a godly champion ^^. He has all the required items to have a 0 SP cost to cast any skill. He's awesome to play. This is the private server I play on: http://www.aerogaming.net/geopage/en/ I'm pretty sure it's one of the most well known and respectable private servers out there. It is quite professional. They have about 6 or 7 worlds or whatever their called. Each has a different XP and drop rate. The world I play on is the very top one (Charm) and has the closest XP and drop rates to the Offical game. I think it's like 10x faster. Which is fun because it's fast, but not too fast. I still have a lot of credit left as well with the site. I donated $60 and they give you credits to spend however you like. Getting items to +10... godly items... cards... you name it. I have only spent some of the points getting my champion the godliest gear possible. It was an impulsive purchase. I have just moved on and am going to college and such so I want to get rid of it #/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif Now for a screenie! .; Still looking to get rid of it #/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/crazy.gif