Sold WTS R230 Zeus Primal 2 Sparks

Discussion in 'Granblue Fantasy Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/Soudio, 8/17/21.

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  1. /u/Soudio

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    Rank: 230 2 sparks ready

    9 Gold bars

    5 Damascus bars

    4 Sunstones

    200 Gold moons

    2 Gold Rings

    2 Evolites

    252 SSR Characters

    9 FLB eternals (+ mats for FLB Threo ready)

    7 Evokers: Fraux, Geisenborger, Caim, Lobelia, Alanaan, Haaselia, Nier (enough mats for Katzelia or Estarriola and Maria Theresa)

    All Zodiacs

    29 Grand: Katalina, Rackam, Io, Orchid, Rosetta, Zooey, Lecia, Lucio, Sturm, Drang, Vira, Olivia, Alexiel, Cain, Pholia, Europa, Shiva, Ferry, Grimnir, Monika, Jeanne d'Arc, Noa, Rei, Mugen, Leona, Sandalphon, Cagliostro, Nehan, Poseidon

    20 Summer: Vira, Zeta, Narmaya, Zooey, Beatrix, Korwa, Naoise, Grea, Yuel, HalMal, Sandalphon, Cagliostro, Europa, Alexiel, Teena, Kolulu, Mimlemel, Tabina, Helel ben Shalem, Shiva

    3 Yukata: Jessica, Rosamia, Yngwie

    6 Valentine: Clarisse, Melissabelle, Grimnir, Monika, Aglovale, Medusa

    5 Halloween: Hallessena, Rosetta, Eustace, Danua, Azazel

    4 Holiday: Clarisse, Narmaya, Nemone, Rosetta

    Wind: M2 crit grid

    Water: Aub crit grid

    Fire: AES grid

    Earth: Magna highlander + Ichigo

    Light: primal

    Dark: M1 Claw grid


    Omega: ULB Yggdrasil, Celeste, Collosus, Tiamat, Leviathan

    Optimus: ULB Zeus, Titan x3, Hades x3, Agni, FLB Zephyr, Varuna x2

    Providence: ULB Bahamut, FLB Belial, Lucifer x2

    Genesis: Shiva, Alexiel x2, Grimnir, Europa

    Archangels: MLB HalMal, MLB Metatron, Michael x2, Uriel x2, Sariel x2, Gabriel x2, Raphael x2

    Other: FLB Thor, FLB Morrigna, FLB Bonito, Tsuchinoko, Satyr x3, Prometheus, Princess Long Ji, Ca Ong, Dogu, Mammoth, Summer Ygdrassil, Elil, Freyr, Summer Tiamat, Aphrodite, Thor x3, Anubis, Typhon

    250$ Paypal only MM on buyer DM for more info

    Discord ID: Soudio#4502

    # #/Soudio
    # .
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