Selling     [WTS] PSN account with 15+ games and dlcs, 214 trophy level, 85 usd #

Discussion in 'PlayStation Network OG Username | PSN Usernames - Buy & Sell' started by justlikeusuall, 10/11/24.

  1. justlikeusuall

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    I just sold my PS5 to pay my college tuition. With no more PS5 in hand, I decided to just sell the PSN for more money to buy food and survive.

    Here are some purchased digital games and DLCs in the account:
    1. Ghost of Tsushima
    2. Insurgency: Sandstorm
    3. GTA V
    4. Subnautica Below Zero
    5. Tom Clancy Ghost Recon Breakpoint
    6. Watch Dogs Legion (PS5 version)
    7. The Witcher III: Wild Hunt (GOTY Edition)
    8. Destiny 2 (Purchased DLCs: Shadowkeep Pack, Forsaken Pack, Beyond Light pack, Beyond Light + 1 Season, have many exotics weapons and armors for hunter)
    9. The Division 2 (Have NYC DLC and Hunk skin from Resident Evil collab)
    10. Assassin's Creed Unity
    11. Horizon Zero Dawn: Complete Edition
    12. Resident Evil 2 Remake
    13. Resident Evil 3 Remake
    14. Resident Evil Resistance
    15. Resident Evil 4 (2005)
    16. Assassin's Creed III Remastered
    17. Need For Speed: Payback
    18. Assassin's Creed Odyssey (Season Pass, Legacy of The First Blade DLC, The Fate of Atlantis DLC)

    Feel free to ask questions.

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    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.