Selling WTS PowerLeveling Services For o&c! Looking to...

Discussion in 'Order and Chaos Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Order & Chaos Accounts - Buy and Sell, 2/22/13.

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  1. Order & Chaos Accounts - Buy and Sell

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    WTS PowerLeveling Services For o&c! Looking to sell powerleveling services. LvL 1-20/8$ USD; 20-30/11$; LvL 30-40/16$; 40-50/23$; 50-60/ 29$... Basic prices are listed. Willing to discuss other options, prices are firm! Prices will be slightly cheaper if you supply blessings. All Payments will be made Via Paypal. Verified only! Thanks in Advance, Iscout WTS Fully geared 60 Mage and Tank All Blue/Purple Platform- Android Server- Arcadian Forest Runes- 3 GOLD- 2,000 INCLUDED Craft- Tailor Every Cloth Book in Game learned (apart from other class epic plan ones) so make anything at all you want. Bag- 1125 Gold Spent(Fully Upgraded)60 Slots. Chest- 175 Gold Spent(Fully Upgraded)60 SLots. Class- Elf Mage Lvl 60. Name- Decimator. Spec- Best Pvp Spec there is also works well in dungeons. Cloaks-Oceans Breeze, Blood Monk's Cloak of Shadow Resist, Blood Monk's Cloak of Poison Resist, Blood Monk's Cloak of Erudition. Necklaces- Squarma Pendant of Flame, Best Poison Resist Necklace, Shadewood, The Savage's Choker of Erudition. Head- Rune(Epic). Shoulders- Reinforced Darkstripe Shoulders. Gloves- Rune(Epic) L- Reinforced Blue Moire Skirt, Rune(blue) Shoes- Rune(Epic) Trinkets- Swamp Eye(2) Chest- Reinforced Conciliation Magecloth Robe, Reinforced Force Magecloth Robe. Shirt- Red. Rings- Prosecuter's Ring of Sorcery(2), Prosecuter Ring of Erudition(2) , Order Ring of Shadow Resist(2)(+37), Order Ring of Poison Resist(2)(+37), Order Ring of Flame Resist(1)(+37), Prosecuters Ring of Magic(1), Exploiters Ring of Flame Resist and Salvation of Flame Resist (+32,+34). One Hand- Red Lotus of Offense, Proud Silars Dirk. Off Hand-Extraplanar Shard of the Element Slayer, Blood Soaked Orb Pets- Mini Nightmare Demon, Orange Pterasaur Hatchling Staffs- Stick of The Truth Seeker(2), Heartforger of Sorcery, Heartforger of Water, Heartforger of Fire, Heartforger of Flame, Heartforger of Rainbow, Heartforger of Shadow. Craft- Foundary Every plan in game learned (except for battle...
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