Note: This is my first thread, and one of my first post. So i'm going to be doing vouches. 5 people can request the following 1. 15 minute Poke-Stop Farming. 2. 2-5 Rare pokemon ( Region locked Pokemon as well) 3. 1-15~ Quick Leveling boost. Note: i'm not sure on prices, i've seen some people offer 1 hour pokestop farms from 5 to 15 dollars, and rare pokemon from 2-$10 each. i'm willing to negotiate any and all prices PM me here for Vouches. if anyone needs to speak to me i will supply a Discord link. My prices as of now: 1. 1-20 leveling $20 Usd ( Max 3-4 hours ) 2. Rare pokemon - 2-$5 USD Can do them in bulk ( Specific pokemon might take a bit longer to Find / Capture ) 3. Pokestop Farming - i can probably Fill your backpack in about 30-60 minutes. Depending on upgrades / Items already Owned + Free egg walking ( since i'll be farming the stops anyways. )