Sold WTS Platinum (Xbox One) Fast Delivery

Discussion in 'Warframe Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Subconscious, 6/22/17.

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  1. Subconscious

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    You have to be at least rank 2 to trade.

    500 Platinum 7$ - 250k credits tax

    1000 Platinum 15$ - 500k credits tax

    2000 Platinum 25$ - 1 Million credits tax

    3000 Platinum 35$ - 1.5 Million credits tax

    4000 platinum 45$ - 2 million Credits tax

    Stock: 6000

    Delivery Methods:
    Face to Face (Dojo)

    1. Fast and smooth trade with professional approach, don't expect excessive talking in game,
    2. Make sure to trade me some trash items in return for security reasons
    3. Don't mention playerup or any kind of Real Money Trading talk in game
    4. After i fulfill the delivery please confirm the delivery and leave a feedback :)

    --- I'm looking for long term buyers ---

    Please leave a feedback after i fully deliver you the platinum that
    you purchased.
    I would appreciate it a lot as it will help me earn some
    reputation here.
    Thanks for buying from me.

    Payment method: PayPal (Family And Freinds) PM to purchase plat
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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