Selling account with Mage & Cleric! MAGE: Level 50 PVP Rank 6 Gear: PVP R3-R6 (Mostly R6)(766 Valor) Excellent Player Rep. Member of one the Largest and Most Prestigious Raiding Guilds on the Shard 1290 Achievment Score Mount: 125 Plat. Swift Valmera Trade: 300 Artificer. Master Miner/Forager --- Lot's of Mats For Artificer In Vault Inc. Bonuses: 662 Artisan Marks, 16,300 Planarite & 2,294 Rune King Seals. CLERIC: Level 50 Mix of Purples, Blues and Greens Trade: 300 Runecrafter. 300 Apoc. 298 Outfitter. -- TONS of Runcrafter Mats. and Plenty of Apoc. Mats Mount: 125 Plat Swift Valmera Inc. Bonuses: 94 Plat. & 1,877 Rune King Seals. Just transferred to Laethys the most populated US shard! Account has 4 Months left of game time! Selling for just $150