I am selling Battlenet account with Wolrd of Warcraft ( without legion), Heroes of the storm, hearthstone. In WoW i have i character 100lvl hunter with hearthstone mount, and HoTs event mount. HOTS:_28 heroes, 9 mounts ( festive goblin,flames of judgement charger,golden lunar rooster, lunar rooster, ironside dire wolf, orochi hovercycle,mechanospider), 9k gold and some of icons.. HS:_4 legendary ( gruul, emperor thourissian, C'thun, Moroes), 205 essence, 630 gold, 5 card backs, unlocked 2 doungeons first chests( blackrock mountain, kharazhan.) WoW:_1 char. hunter 100lvl ( horde- realm "outland"), 3 mounts (hearthsteed, primal flamesaber, heirloom chopper.), 42 heirloom, Overwatch:_ Oni genji skin but don't have game. I am the first and real owner of acc. and everything is on EU! I would sell it for real money, steam wallet , cs:go knife or cs:go or dota 2 keys More info contact me via Skype: skype name: miner...826