Wts op emei red phoenix

Discussion in 'Age of Wushu Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 8/6/14.

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  1. Facebook

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    WTS 3rd highest EMEI on server 3rd inner 30 Has Gold AND SILVER ALL 70 DEFENSE Gear also have lightning mink pet that gives flying skill 5 every 5 sec 2 OP weapons Has VIP till mid september ILLUSTRIOUS MINER, HUNTER,FISHERMAN AND ARTISAN CRAFTSMAN,FARMER 300 PLUS CERTS. HAS 2900 TOTAL DEFENSE EXTERNAL HP 5200 DEX 117 BREATH 184 EVADE 178 SELLING IT FOR CHEAP $150 THE PET ALONE COST $600 LOL

    price is at $100 if nobody wants each day ill go 10 dollars and will stop at $70

    40 bucks

    Now $80

    Hello, how to contact u beside from this forum???

    Stil available, email me at hanhwynn@gmail
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