Selling WTS ONC accounts - 5/6 Ranger and 60 Mage For...

Discussion in 'Order and Chaos Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Order & Chaos Accounts - Buy and Sell, 2/19/13.

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  1. Order & Chaos Accounts - Buy and Sell

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    WTS ONC accounts - 5/6 Ranger and 60 Mage For those who have yet to click into this site, this is my account I'm selling : #1 Order & Chaos Account Supplier! - OncAccounts | Home Any questions feel free to ask. Please purchase through the above link. Thanks WTS Selling 3 Lvl 60 Toons! IOS Selling level 60 divine monk with 11/12 epics, and epic trinkets, only missing epic weapon, and mili gear is 10/12 epics Level 60 Mage fully geared with 11/12, crit is at 25%, only item needed is rahjil staff Level 60 Tank with 5/6 epic stable gear, 2 soul rings, only item needed is epic trinkets and epic sword Pm me for more details, Offers over $200USD will be considered, Verified PayPal! WTS Selling LvL 60 Monk with full rune gear(not epic rune) 60$ [Android] Hello everyone Im selling a level 60 monk with healer rune gear and master tailor for 60$ I accept paypal only thanks WTS GOLD On ANDROID Selling GOLD on Android server I'll meet you IN GAME 1000 GOLD = $9 I have 12000 all in all message or email me email: ryanjosephcastro69@ WTS Ranger lvl 60 epic iOS + mage lvl 60 SOLD SELL RANGER female: (super equipe) Epic rune gear set Unfeeling Sneak Charger's Helmet (purple recipe + essence of swamp 2x to make) Unfeeling Sneak Charger's Gloves (purple recipe + essence of death 1x to make) Unfeeling Sneak Charger's Legguards (purple recipe + essence of death 2x to make) Unfeeling Sneak Charger's Boots (purple recipe + essence of swamp 1x to make) Reinforced Tripper Robe Archer Gear: Keen Track Killer's Helmet (purple recipe + essence of swamp 2x to make) Keen Track Killer's Gloves (purple recipe + essence of death 1x to make) Keen Track Killer's Legguards (purple recipe + essence of death 2x to make) Keen Track Killer's Boots (purple recipe + essence of swamp 1x to make) Trinket Swift brand (20 symbols of champion for craft it + essence ) Discipline Mark ( 20 symbols of champion for craft it + essence) 2 kermode s tear Dagger and bow Flying lighting bow of...
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