Selling WTS (on heavenstear) full r9rrr blademaster lvl...

Discussion in 'Perfect World Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Andrej Rozmaric, 10/19/13.

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  1. Andrej Rozmaric

    Andrej Rozmaric
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    WTS (on heavenstear) full r9rrr blademaster lvl 103 +10/+7 gear and +10 axes. hp with r9rrr set is around 14k unbuffed. also have full interval 5.0 set +10 refined with g15 x2 int and g16 x1 int both +12 fists. also have r8r pole with spirit black hole. on same acc there is also lvl 103 5.0 sin with most of his gear +10 and g16 daggers +12, 102 seeker with r8 and 101 barb. some gear can be shared throug hacc stash. price would be somewhere below $1k. for more info and some gear screenshots pm me
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