Selling  High End  Android Wts NR Server, Main Beeerserker 36M, 174000+ gems, Tons cool stuff

Discussion in 'Darkness Rises Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by DonZbiki, 5/1/21.

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  1. DonZbiki

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    Hi account is strong as you see in forum pictures i posted. i have 174000 gems, which was hard thing and long time to get and gems cost. It was a lot farming. You can do a lot things with them, also my camp is good have many food and you can get lot daily, also from ranked match each charachter gets 100 gems everyday without play, and others cool stuff see from pictures, each alt have much gold,keys,tickets and so on. Each day from ranked just to collect dont have to play and from tower you have 1200+ gems every day. More info private.

    1619849837399.jpg 1619849837404.jpg 1619849837406.jpg 1619849837409.jpg 1619849837411.jpg 1619849837413.jpg 1619849837415.jpg 1619849837417.jpg 1619849837419.jpg 1619849837421.jpg 1619849837423.jpg

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