Sold WTS North America All Champions are unlocked,...

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Ro Lei, 9/16/13.

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  1. Ro Lei

    Ro Lei
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    WTS North America All Champions are unlocked, and I have an extra 20k IP for new champions etc. 6 Rune Pages This account includes most of current meta runes if not all of them. 1450+ Normal Wins Rating: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Season 1: Gold Season 2: Gold Season 3: Gold It also includes season 1 & 2 gold Icons. This account include some super rare skins that you can't get anymore. Super Rare Skins :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Victorious Janna (Rare) Victorious Jarvan IV Nosferatu Vladimir Pumpkinhead Fiddlesticks Skins #50 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Stinger Akali Crimson Akali Longhorn Alistar Unchained Alistar Bird Of Prey Anivia Hextech Anivia Red Riding Annie Frostfire Annie Queen Ashe Boom Boom Blitzcrank Arctic Warfare Caitlyn Siren Cassiopeia Dragonwing Corki Frosted Ezreal Pumpkinhead Fiddlesticks (Super Rare) Spooky Gangplank Hillbilly Gragas Nightblade Irelia Aviator Irelia Victorious Janna (Rare) Victorious Jarvan IV (Rare) Debonair Jayce Judgment Kayle Swamp Master Kennen Monarch Kog'Maw Spellthief Lux Vizier Malzahar Secret Agent Miss Fortune Blade Mistress Morgana Frozen Terror Nocturne Forsaken Olaf Perseus Pantheon Battle Regalia Poppy Phoenix Quinn Freljord Rammus Traditional Sejuani Traditional Karma Mad Hatter Shaco PAX Sivir (Rare) Riot Girl Tristana Buccaneer Tristana Junkyard Trundle Traditional Trundle Highland Tryndamere Gangster Twitch Primal Udyr Veigar Greybeard Count Vladimir Nosferatu Vladimir (Super Rare) Undertaker Yorick Asking 400$ Price is #. Screenshot:
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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