Selling WTS - NA Shards - Cleric 65 1150 Hit / Warrior 65...

Discussion in 'Rift Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Nando Santos, 6/18/15.

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  1. Nando Santos

    Nando Santos
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    WTS - NA Shards - Cleric 65 1150 Hit / Warrior 65 1100 Hit -NA Shard -Cleric: DPS/Healer Gear 1150 Hit (60k+ dps selfbuffed on dummy) / Tank Gear 145k HP 1050 HIT -Warrior: 1100 hit DPS GEAR / 1025 Hit tank Gear -All notorieties full -Nightmare Rift V Achievement -1000 Wis / 1000 CP Focus -Epic Seal -Trade skills: Runecraft Maxed / Mining Maxed / Artificier maxed -Lots of 160% Vials ( Prestige, experience, token, favor, skill ) -5k plat on acc -155% Mount -Current Prog RoF - 4/4 / MS - 5/5 / HK - 5/11 -I'm the original owner Offers - Reply this topic / Email: [email protected] / Skype: nandodtx / Whatsapp: +447518247827 I'll have to stop playing in 3 weeks, so the best offer at the end of this time will win. I'll keep playing these three weeks i have left and I'll update the gear and progression information if something changes, probably i will get 7/11 HK and some more hit.
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