Sold [WTS] [NA] LVL 95 Lann, Fiona, Vella, 1 Account

Discussion in 'Vindictus Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by piasraspear333, 11/11/17.

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  1. piasraspear333

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    Selling geared lvl 95 Lann, Fiona, and Vella all on the same account along with a few mules. THIS IS ALL 1 Account.

    Lann is the main char with three +15 Weapons, along with others that are all geared with lvl 90 stuff, maxed ap, and $32 outfitters. A ton of NX items saved up over the years, also other mules are carrying other vanity stuff as well.


    +15 Immortal Chance Arma Swords +2 CRT
    +15 Righteous Judgment Bloodletters +2 CRT 3*
    +15 Immoral Spirited DWTS +2 CRT
    +10 lvl 90 Regina Enchanted Gear Set (Mem/Enthus/WB/Sent)
    400/400 ATT/DEF 2x Copper Bracelets
    CM/P TR +2 CRT 3*
    CM/P TR +2 BAL
    Sub/Pass Peridot Belt +131 ATT
    Sig/Pass Pirate Earrings +2 BAL
    Sig/Pass Blue Kitty Brooch +2 CRT
    Sig/Berserker Greater Succ Fang
    Fast/Pass Kitty Necklace +1 ATT SPD

    +12 Righteous Judgment Regina LongSword +2 CRT
    +10 lvl 90 Regina Enchanted Gear Set (Mem/Enthus/Wb/Sent)
    Same accessories as Lann


    Taking offers, message me skype/disc0rd

    Skype: [email protected]
    Disc0rd: Lemonpie#8443
    #1 piasraspear333, 11/11/17
    Last edited by a moderator: 8/10/19
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