Selling WTS NA Lvl 30 account - Gold III (Just transfered...

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Rodrigo, 8/1/13.

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  1. Rodrigo

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    WTS NA Lvl 30 account - Gold III (Just transfered back to NA, easy to rank up) All Champions except Aatrox 74 Skins (Including rare skins such as Championship riven and Pax Sivir & Jax, Judgement Kayle, Definitely not Blitzcrank, Nutcracko, Urfwick, King Rammus, UFO Corki, Victorious Jarvan, Haunting Nocturne) + Many legacy skins that don't sell anymore. 8 Rune Pages (Fit for AP Carry, ADC, Jungle and most Top) 200 RP On the account I've played since beta and this is my personal account but I'd like to sell it now. PM me with a decent offer, no lowballs.
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  2. OP

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    74 Total Skins Goth Annie Forsaken Olaf Tango Twisted Fate Underworld Twisted Fate Commando Xin Zhao Prestigious LeBlanc Vandal Vladimir Bandito Fiddlesticks Judgement Kayle Unmasked Kayle Chosen Master Yi Unchained Alistar Golden Alistar Matador Alistar Longhorn Alistar PAX Sivir Urf the Manatee Warwick Buccaneer Tristana Riot Girl Tristana Grungy Nunu Woad Ashe PAX Jax Riot Squad Singed Time Machine Zilean Kingpin Twitch Vandal Twitch Nightmare ChoGath Phantom Karthus Hextech Anivia Mad Hatter Shaco Royal Shaco Nutcracko Almost Prom King Amumu Pharaoh Amumu King Rammus Deep One Kassadin Nightblade Irelia Executioner Mundo TPA Dr. Mundo Toxic Dr. Mundo UFO Corki Urfrider Corki Traditional Karma Victorious Janna Frost Queen Janna Special Forces Gangplank Toy Soldier Gangplank Emerald Taric Leprechaun Veigar White Mage Veigar Bad Santa Veigar Traditional Trundle Mercenary Katarina Piltover Blitzcrank Definitely Not Blitzcrank Victorious Jarvan Haunting Nocturne Rumble in the Jungle Traditional Lee Sin Leopard Nidalee Headhunter Nidalee Black Belt Udyr Noxus Poppy Sandscourge Skarner Riot K-9 Nasus Karate Kennen Crimson Akali Frosted Ezreal Ruthless Pantheon Infernal Mordekaiser Championship Riven Foxfire Ahri Frozen Shen Riot Graves
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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