[WTS][NA]An Account with 8 C6 5* Characters and Lots of 5* Weapon

Discussion in 'Genshin Impact Other Accounts | Genshin Impact Accounts Sale' started by /u/Willowsnow0412, 2/12/24.

  1. /u/Willowsnow0412

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    High Risk Status: This user has been flagged as high risk due to one or more reasons

    I did not play this game for a long time and want to sell this account.

    I just finished "Inazuma" Story line and now working on "The Chasm: Underground Mines"

    If you want me to do story line is ok. I am working on it everyday now.

    Account Crruent Info:

    AR 56

    Primogems: 4884

    Intertwined Fate: 25

    Acquaint Fate: 15

    5* 12 Characters :

    C6: Tartaglia, Venti, Zhongli, Eula, Keqing, Diluc, HuTao, Qiqi

    C5: Jean

    C3: Mona

    C1: Ganyu

    C0: Albedo

    4* 21 Characters

    5* Weapon:

    R5: Elegy for the end, Skyward Harp, Memory of Dust, Staff of Homa, Song of Broken Pines, Wolf's Graveston*2, Skyward Blade, Lost Prayer to the Sacred Winds

    Lots of R1 weapons.

    Price can be discuss. If you are interesting, plz msg me or contact my discord account: willowsnow.

    # #/Willowsnow0412
    . .
    #1 /u/Willowsnow0412, 2/12/24
    Last edited by a moderator: 4/24/24
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