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    1. Miguelrf

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      ONLY +14 lvl 95 WEP IN THE GAME!!! EASILY the best Karok in the game...

      ACCOUNT ALSO HAS AN OP DELIA lvl 95 with +12 DULLAHAN WEP AND DULLAHAN GEAR +12 and+13. (She has 27700 attack) Contact me for details!

      Maxed AP Skills with about 57k AP remaining(+ a lot more Ap capsules)
      Path Dark Knight w/ 2nd Transformation
      Power 50,080
      NA server. Currently rank within top 7 of server. (After merge)

      +14 Righteous Judgement Dullahan Cestus (LVL 95 ORANGE MAXED) with Perfect Critic Infuse ONLY lvl 95 +14 CESTUS in the GAME
      +12 Chaotic Judgement Dullahan Battle Pillar (LVl 95 wep in case you prefer pillar)
      Silver Bracelets

      OP +12 to +14 Enhanced ORANGE DULLAHAN ARMOR(lvl 95) With Perfect Infuse Rolls

      Att: 32200
      Def: 17,890
      Critical: 153 (OP Critic)
      Add Damage: 4,300
      Critical Dmg: 195
      HP: 10,437
      Stamina: 244
      Balance: 89
      Attack limit removal: 290
      ATTACK Speed: 80 (OP att speed lol)

      CONTACT ME FOR DELIA STATS (she has 27700 attack)

      Avatar Sets

      -Special Great Adventurer
      -Urban Punk
      -Impecable Battle Suit

      ht tps://imgur.c om/a/9A cGH

      TONS OF NX ITEMS like ARMOR ENHANCEMENT RUNES , armor fusion runes, divine blessing, pet goods, dies ETC ETC

      $800 via paypal friends and family to avoid chargeback.... contact me on skype preferably.

      Skype: 2pro4utoo

      This account is easily worth over $1000 considering all the stuff that it has and the thousands of dollars spent on top of this. It is pretty much the best karok ingame, so the price is a steal 2 op chars for the price of 1

      For more info or screenshots msg me on skype.

      • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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