Sold [WTS] NA +15 Hurk 30k ATT lvl 95 OP ACC w/ Insane Gear +12-+14/NX Items

Discussion in 'Vindictus Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Miguelrf, 12/10/17.

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  1. Miguelrf

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    523 titles
    Maxed AP Skills with about 50k AP remaining(25k + 2 airtight 10k AP capsules and some more)
    Path Dark Knight w/ 2nd Transformation
    Power 47,448
    NA server. Currently rank within top 21 of server. (After merge)

    +15 Righteous Judgement Braha Greatsowrd (LVL 90 ORANGE MAXED) with Perfect Critic Infuse
    +10 Enhanced Divine Punishment Lugh Lamhfada Teide (if u want to have fun with teide since all skills are maxed)

    OP +12 to +14 Enhanced ORANGE Lugh Lamhfada ARMOR With Perfect Infuse Rolls

    Acc has several other lvl 90s too

    Att: 30k
    Def: 16,870
    Critical: 142 (OP Critic)
    Add Damage: 4,800
    Critical Dmg: 195
    Critical Resistence: 128
    HP: 10,400
    Stamina: 291
    Balance: 90
    Attack limit removal: 400
    ATTACK Speed: 81 (OP att speed lol)

    7 LVL 30 pets with tons of food

    Avatar Sets

    -Special Lich Magic Helm
    -Keaghan Set
    -High Class Gangster Set
    -Nobleman Set

    TONS OF NX ITEMS like ARMOR ENHANCEMENT RUNES , armor fusion runes, divine blessing, pet goods, ETC

    $650 via paypal.... contact me on skype preferably.

    Skype: 2pro4utoo

    This account is easily worth over $1000 considering all the stuff that it has and the thousands of dollars spent on top of this. It is pretty much one of the best hurks in the game, so the price is fair.

    I'll attach screenshots but for more info or other screenshots msg me on skype.
    Attached Images
    #1 Miguelrf, 12/10/17
    Last edited by a moderator: 8/10/19
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