Read and view EVERYTHING before purchasing or sending a message: This is available unless marked as sold. Not for trade, for sale only. 14 x 5⭐️ including refinements and constellations C5 NAVIA + SIGNATURE WEAPON AR 50 (ready for ascension) AMERICA SERVER set bday and set username log in method: hoyoverse login email can be changed by new owner (But if an error persist that the email cant be change then I can just surrender the details of the email linked to the acc itself) no deadlinks 4 STAR CONSTELLATIONS: C6 candace C6 rosaria C6 sucrose C3 gaming C1 noelle C1 amber C1 lisa C1 yaoyao C1 xingqiu Good map exploration progress Will continue to maintain the account until it gets sold BANNER PITY: event banner: 0/90 (50-50) standard banner: 28/90 weapon banner: 9/80 (50-50) Important: This is # abyss. Price: $25 Mode of payment: paypal/gcash mm fees will be shouldered by buyer ‼️don’t try to scam me, i’m not dumb # #/Complex_You_7370 . .