WTS my GW2 ( HOTS) account since I wont have any more time to play the game. If interested please send me a private message so that I can give you more details about the account and price can be #. Details bellow: Main character. lvl 80 guardian/ dragon hunter. 1) Condition Damage Ascended Gear. 2) Few Ascended Berserker gear to combine with condition gear. 3)Ascended Viper Gear. 4) Ascended Apothecary Gear Gears can be used with any other heavy armor character. 500/500 Grand Master Armor smith. 400/400 Master Jeweler. Mesmer/ Chronomanser lvl 80. Half ascended armor Gear can be used with any light weight armor character. 500/500 Grandmaster Tailor Warior lvl 80. Guardians armor can be used with this character. 500/500 Grandmaster Weapons smith. Thief lvl 80. Almost full ascended gear. Missing only the ascended boots. 400/400 Master chef. 500/500 Grandmaster Leather worker. 500/500 Grandmaster Huntsman. Account includes 9 LEGENDARIES!! grin emoticon 1) Eternity 2) The Bifrost 3) Bolt 4)The Jaggernaut 5)Kudzu 6)Meteorlogicus 7) The Flameseeker Prophecies 8) Rodgort 9)The Minstrel Around 24 ascended rings. Few are repeated. 5 ascended accessory. 2 ascended back pieces, including wings of ascension. 4 ascended amulets. Really cool rare dyes. 14 outfits to choose from. 30 mini pets. 314 gold. 2,506,768 Karma and 73 Laurels