Selling WTS my backers account with all details of all...

Discussion in 'Star Citizen Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Desmond Tang, 2/26/17.

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  1. Desmond Tang

    Desmond Tang
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    WTS my backers account with all details of all the stuff I have in the images below. Some with LT1. Total spend $1125 USD so hopefully I can get something close to it as I totally cannot play or keep up with the game with my current computer nor do i have the time to play with my 2 kids keeping me bz all the time. Interested please do leave a comment or PM me, really do hope that all my items will be of better use to other players then just siting in my account all this while. List of items Game Package - Freelancer Max - Next Generation Aurora Ships - Aegis Reclamier with LT1 - XI'AN Khartu-AL - Cutlass - RSI Constellation Misc - Tons of hangers stuff and decorations
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