WTS my account. Android. Server - om. Heal: T4 6/6 (red slot gem full China 5lvl, green and blue 4/5lvl craft gem) T4 mili 6/6 (some parts 4/5 craft, some 5lvl China's gem, have more 5 Asian gem for all clothes in t3+ need repeal) S3 heal 6/6(full 4 lvl gem) S3 mili 2/6 (4 lvl gem) 2/2 oracle weapon 2/2 emblemach gem (6lvl) 2/2 legendary gem (7lvl) T3 heal 6/6 Pti 5% and up(10%) hp Skill power box and Viki(dodge and spell sped) with and without Christmas hat Have Much T3+ I haven't mail, course when reg account use some like (gdhevwihshs.mail.ru) I never used mail, and I think system dell this adres. http://graph.facebook..com/127398900984940/picture