Hero Mechs: X-5, Firebrand, Dragon Slayer, Boarshead. All of the chassis mentioned are mastered. Spider, Jenner, Cicada, Shadow Hawk, Jager, Victor, Atlas chassis are mastered. 19 Mechs (Not including Masakari Pack) in all with 2 empty mechbays. Many, many, extra parts. I rarely sold anything except for stripped chassis. Many extra engines and modules! Over 400K of GXP, saved for Clan Mech release. MASAKARI CLAN PACK. A little over 600MC and 3 or 4 million CBills will be on the account. 225US Contact for more details. .; BUMP, 19 Inner sphere mechs and 24 clan mechs in the Masakari pack! 42 in total with 2 empty mech bays!