MR 5 | All Primes [Beside Oberon and Banshee] | 1.2k Platinum | Lots of Mods and Prime weapons Asking Price starting at $50 (Skype: jacob.kewl121) Prime Access (Hydroid frost and ember) Stealth Drift | Armored Agility | Vigor Pinniacle | Piercing Step Frames Include: Rhino Prime Ash Prime Mag Prime Nyx Prime Ember Prime Frost Prime Hydroid Prime Nova Prime Loki Prime Nekros Prime Saryn Prime Trinity Prime Valkyr Prime Vauban Prime Weapons Include: Boltor Prime Latron Prime Vectis Prime Ballistic Prime Sicarus Prime Nami Skyla Prime Reaper Prime Companions: Carrier Prime Carrier Helios Deathcube Wyrm Odanta Prime Mods (More than i can count!) 1.2k Platinum Attached Images Warframe 4.PNG [Download and Thanks] (1.84 MB) Warframe 3.PNG [Download and Thanks] (1.30 MB) Warframe 2.PNG [Download and Thanks] (1.17 MB) Warframes.PNG [Download and Thanks] (1.06 MB)