Sold [Wts] Minecraft Unmigrated W/ Email = $0.70 Minecraft Semi Full Access = $0.4

Discussion in 'Minecraft OG Usernames for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by Electroneum, 4/13/18.

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  1. Electroneum

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    Hey I'm selling minecraft account for a very cheap price

    Minecraft Unmigrated with Email = $0.70/each
    (comes with username:password:email)
    You can migrate it to your own email & make it your personal account
    Can change everything

    Minecraft Semi Full access = $0.40
    (comes with email:password)
    It's already migrated account you can change skin, name , password only

    Minecraft Non Full Access = $0.05 each
    Works only in Launcher
    Perfect for Alt

    Below is a step-by-step process on how to migrate an account:

    Go to
    Fill up with the account info we gave you
    when it asks “Details for your new Mojang account“ make sure you Use your email (a not previously used one for MC)
    Click accept and then confirm it in your email!
    If you want to log-in in the launcher use your email and the password

    Payment Methods: Paypal, Bitcoin

    I can help you about the problems like migrating but once it was migrated & changed everything. It's all your responsibility on the account.

    Bulk # for 100+ accounts for Resellers hmu

    Terms of Service: (Read before buying)
    If you send it via PayPal you must send it via F&F.
    You must go first unless you are a trusted member or staff
    If you use middleman you must pay the fees
    I'm not responsible what happens for the account.
    All accounts are checked No refunds under any circumstances
    All sales are final
    ToS must change without any prior notice

    ADD ME ON SKYPE : live:superblesk12

    Account Proof Below !
    Attached Images
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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