WTS Mastery Rank 9,1180 platinum left account verry keap

Discussion in 'Warframe Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 12/12/14.

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  1. Games

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    Hello everyone i decided to sell my account because i stop playing warframe,and i need the cash for another game ( Silkroad online ) here are some info

    Rank: 9

    Platinum left: 1.180

    Warframes: Loki prime ( immortal skin )

    Rhino prime ( immortal skin,rubedo skin )

    Frost prime ( immortal skin )

    Banshee ( immortal skin )

    Ash ( immortal skin )

    Vauban ( immortal skin,phased skin )


    Excalibur ( immortal skin )





    Rhino ( lvled up to 30,deleted to make some space ) so you dont need to lvl it for mastery rank

    Nekros ( immortal skin )

    Trinity ( immortal skin )


    EDO gear,Illiac foots only,like half of collors unlocked,except one or two, clan event,4 or 5 event badges also

    Inventory: 3 forma builded already, ember prime ready to build

    Weapons: Soma (2 forma

    Boltor prime ( 1 forma )

    Paris prime ( 1 forma )

    Ogris ( 2 forma )

    Ignis ( 2 forma )

    Latron prime ( lvl 1 )

    Latron wraith ( lvl 1 )

    Secondary: Dual akzami,got others too since i used em to lvl the mastery,but i dont remember the name

    Melee: Ortos prime,Dual ichors, Aegis,Reaper prime,Hate

    Credits: like 100k

    Lv 10 mods maxed: serration,heavy caliber,vitality,redirection, Except lvl 10 rare/common/uncommon all the mods are maxed...like overextended and the others.

    Character name: Censored,but is a cool one

    PRICE: my price is 50$ negociable always, remember only 1000 platinum cost 50$,so the account totaly worth the money

    Contact: [email protected] send me a email,i accept a middleman
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