WTS Mastery Rank 18 PC Account. (no steam) I have almost every weapon and frame in the game. Including discontinued and event exclusive items such as the Gorgon, Dual Ether Daggers, Boar, and Machete. Strun, Gorgon, Machete and Latron Wraiths. Prova and Imperator Vandals. All the damage/status event mods as well as the piercing and slashing event mods. 200+ plat. 1,000,000+ credits. 100+ T4 keys. 6 Distilling Extractors. Two Syndicates maxed. All 6 syndicate weapons. All the Void Trader primed mods and weapons as of this posting. Most mods maxed,Transient Fortitude Serration, Hornet Strike etc. A few exceptions such as Heavy Calibur being 8/10 or Blind Rage not being maxed are deliberate choices to balance stat penalties but there are enough cores to max them if you wanted. System Map is 100% unlocked. All weps/frames are max level. many are catalyzed.My main loadouts are heavily forma'd. Boltor Prime, Brakk, Amprex, Carrier, Sweeper, Frost Prime etc all Forma'd 3-4 times. I have a private Dojo with most research complete, a dueling room and the obstacle course. Also, the account has never been console migrated. I did not play at launch, notable items i do not have Excal Lato Skana Primes, Snipetrons. Ive pretty much stopped playing so i dont have the newest bundle Nova or Soma Prime. Although i do have some parts for them. Why am i selling? I enjoyed Warframe but after 18 months and 700 hours im just done.