Selling Wts ~ mage/priest/knight lvl 80/68/50 account ~ palenque-us server 1st in rank

Discussion in 'Runes of Magic Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 8/1/15.

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  1. Games

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    WTS lvl 80 MAGE with subclasses priest level 68 and knight lvl 50, i have all the last gear from lvl 80 hard full od and from the proofs too

    i have 120m gold, lot of itens and stuffs from itemshop, i've spend like 5k dollars in diamonds to make my char during those years

    my staff is level 80 bethomia hard od tier 11 +16 with 4 runes, including curxe x, all my stuffs are end game.

    I want 900 dollars, we can negociate too.


    Ps. I have 5 housekeepers

    my gear can be sold by over 5 billions gold, only my chest worth like 800m

    i have 4 permanent mounts and 3 pets, includind zodiacs

    all pages from backpack free from 1 year

    and if try to sell, you have more 4 or 5 billions selling my stuffs in bank

    - - - Updated - - -

    www .youtube .com / watch?v=b1wHKOtHQbo

    this is the video from this char, if you want to take a look at him!


    The price that i'm selling this char now is 700 dollars.
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