Zerk has ice armpads and ice boots,ranger has psn top and greaves,and light boots. zerk has 1% critical ring,4/5 gaia ring (3x stamina lvl 3 and 1xstrenght stone) and pendant with combat echo +1 1/1 with strenght. + on same account is lvl 49 mage,cm equip nothing special... I trade this zerk for character lvl 71+ on archon with those free uniques and some wc. Hit me up with offer please [Archon] WTT CF Ranger top for CF Swash top ( 1 2) as the title says, i need a swash top for this with similar or better stats :P wts 92 ranger [ Gracia ] GUARDIMESH NECK + CAPE LVL 4 PAIR SPIRAL RING PAIR GLORIUS GAUDIUS + 8 % RESIS & 7% RESIS BLODE RING + 15 ALL STAST BLODE RING + 10 DAMAGE KARKAEN NECKLASE + INFINITY + ONE SLOT FREE SET POISON SET CHAOTIC: ARMOR +5CONVERT+ 10% SKILL BLOCK ADITIONAL PANTS +6%RESIS + 190 HP + 240 MN + WHIT STONE LVL4 +15ALL STAST(3 SLOTS) GLOVES + 11% SPEEDY + STONE LVL 4 BOW LVL 92 + 1LVL RANK BOW LVL 92 +13 +6% CRITI + 4% STUN + 27 DMG + 14 ALL ELEMENT + 4 ASHTAL GADIUS AND ITEMS POISON AND CF IN INVENTORY ^.^ acept offers =D Imquiting is a scammed beware ( 1 2) account name Imquiting is a scammer, dont trade this kid. char name is Mlktop something like that its a lvl 89 swash on american server. WTT/WTS/WTB NICE STUFFS (ARCHON)