Sold WTS Lv 70 end game acc, 6 max legend and more

Discussion in 'Brave Nine Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Yobi, 7/14/21.

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  1. Yobi

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    High Risk Status: This user has been flagged as high risk due to one or more reasons

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    6 max legend
    valze+15 company V
    mamonir+15 company V
    Levia+15 company V
    Velfern+15 company V
    Rfithea+15 company V
    Cellia +15 company V

    Seto +13 Company III
    Ledakrad +11 Company II
    Lucius+9 Company II

    and many more!!
    end game acc lv 70

    auto all raid already with comps team.
    ancient count still have 3500

    • Paypal
    • TransferWise
    • Skrill
    Price: $150 #
    If you interested
    Pm me on Discord : yobi#9012
    Or Messenger FB :

    WTS Lv 70 end game acc, 6 max legend and more
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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