Sold WTS Lv.57 Asia l Ace,Eileene,Rudy40 l Wukong38 l Spike,Rachel36 l Lubu34

Discussion in 'Seven Knights Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by AtlusAsh, 10/7/16.

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  1. AtlusAsh

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    Have no time to play it anymore, mostly be old meta.
    Server: Asia
    Lv: 57
    Mastery : Lv.90
    Rubies : 1,188
    Topaz : 472
    Gold : 5.6M
    Arena : 3000+ (I didn't play it for while lol)

    7 knights [All gold]
    Rudy lv.40
    Eileen lv.40
    Spike lv.36
    Dellons Lv.30

    4Lords [All gold]
    Ace lv.40
    Lubu Lv.34
    Teo Lv.30

    Common Heroes [all gold+lv40]
    Ming Ming
    Black rose

    Common and Lv.under40
    Yui 36
    Karin 34
    Sieg 34
    May 34
    Bai jiao 34
    Soi 34
    Victoria 32
    Alice 32

    also have many Costumes than I can explain...

    Don't be concern If saw I'm a newbie account that cuz I never know this web before I decided to sell my account
    I'm not scammer, you can add my line/FB for comfortableness :)
    Line : Ashejii (Display >> Chrismas tree plush)
    FB : PM!
    Accept only paypal. Looking around 110$ #
    Feels free to contact and talk.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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