Sold [WTS] LTI Retaliator Bomber with LTI Torpedo modules. 210$USD or 400RSI$ or open to trades

Discussion in 'Star Citizen Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/ProfessionalHazard, 10/28/24.

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  1. /u/ProfessionalHazard

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    LTI Retaliator Bomber with LTI Torpedo modules. Has melt value of 255. Asking 210USD or 400 RSI credits, Also open to trading for one of the following;

    ccu'd LTI F7A Mk2

    LTI OC starlancer max (or tac)

    ccu'd LTI ironclad or ironclad assault.

    Other "interesting" offers?

    # #/ProfessionalHazard
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