Selling WTS LOADED APB account (Patriot EU2 - G1 - 3...

Discussion in 'All Points Bulletin Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by APB Accounts - Buy and Sell, 8/24/13.

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  1. APB Accounts - Buy and Sell

    APB Accounts - Buy and Sell
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    WTS LOADED APB account (Patriot EU2 - G1 - 3 characters) Quote: Hello there, I don't care if this is the wrong section, there isn't a dedicated one and I'm not posting in the generic one. I've spent a lot of money on this account and time and dedication. I'm quitting APB due to work load (I'm at Uni). -Two mains on the server Patriot (EU2) - $1,000,000 APB dollars - $668k on enforcer and $350 on crim -431 hours clocked on enforcer and 121 on crim -There are 3 character slots (1 extra slot bought) -First character (enforcer - patriot) is rating 209 -Second Character (criminal - patriot) is rating R110 -4 slot Dolton Fresno (from joker box 2) -A nano -A sitting duck -Colby M1922 Mk3 - Achieved for a limited time only by spending 12k+G1C -High Tech weapon skin (account wide) -Perm 3 slot JG, 3 slot OBIR, 3 slot SHAW, 3 slot ALIG -Unique themes -75 days of premium left -2 retail packs (I chose scout and CSG) -1300 joker tickets on the R209 and 2200 on the other patriot character -First character (enf) - pointman 14 (almost 15), marksman 10, rifleman 8, sniper 9, gunslinger 6 (chrome skin), low yields are unlocked etc -Second (crim) - pointman 12, rifleman 7, sniper 5, marksman 5. I've unlocked concs on this one -86G1C left -Loads of mods (car surfer, fragile, 2 x CJ3, RS3, HS3, IR3, HB3, HB2 and plenty plenty more) -Loads of car mods (Nitro booster 3 (2 of these), fireproofing 3, fast fix 3 etc) -A 4 slot fully kitted morai (from armas) (enf) -2 slot fully kitted personalised mikro (on crim) -The 3rd character is a R90 odd on Obeya, with all my tommy mk3, 60k, CSG RT1 and Scout RT1. These two characters are loaded with gear, there's just too much to type so I've merely outlined the major things in this list.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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