Sold WTS [Linksmate services] [Medusa linksmate] [Visa zooey] [CD/DVD/Blu ray/anime codes] Manga 1-3 damascus code

Discussion in 'Granblue Fantasy Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/radiant_light, 4/5/21.

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  1. /u/radiant_light

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    WTS Linksmate services (monthly fee, links pick ticket every 6 month) Apply now, get links pick ticket every 6 month! (You can also claim Medusa linksmate version). (linksmate last slot left) Also, able to get any dvd/blu ray/cd serial codes (gbf anime, uma musume, manaria friends, new releases, etc) pm if interested.

    Feel free to ask me about customer proof/feedback.

    [New Guraburu BD release] - ¥10000 only per code. Can provide the code in 2 days tops. Choose 1 of gold bar/dama/evolite/sunstone Taking orders pm.

    [Linksmate services] Monthly fee ¥6800


    Fire Vira: ¥7500

    Gran & Djeeta summer: ¥8000

    Vol 1-3 manga Damascus bar: ¥3500

    Any Music CD with skin included: ¥3000 [limited time]

    Selling VISA ZOOEY promo serial code. [VISA ZOOEY ¥30000 promo] Numbers are very limited, taking orders.

    Prices may be slightly #, up for discussion pm.

    Accepted payment methods: Paypal f&f and transferwise

    Feel free to ask me about any other products/serial codes.

    Discord contact: Lucky#5367

    playerup link + feedback:

    # #/radiant_light
    # .
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