Sold WTS Linksmate services BD/CD/mobage serial codes [New Guraburu BD Orders]

Discussion in 'Granblue Fantasy Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/radiant_light, 3/28/21.

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  1. /u/radiant_light

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    I can provide Linksmate services as well as linksmate promo medusa.

    Claim your links pick ticket every 6 month.

    I can also provide any BD/CD/anime serial codes with short waiting time. (uma musume, manaria friends, princess connect, gbf anime, music cd's serial codes too). If you need any bd or cd serial code as well as mobage cash cards you can let me know any time.

    NEW BD Release Guraburu ぐらぶるっ! Serial Code Choose 1 of gold bar/dama/sunstone/evolite ¥10000 per code only. Can provide the code in 2 days.

    Contact: You can pm me or comment either here or in discord: Lucky#5367 (I'm also a member of the GBF trades discord)

    Have customer reference and can provide screenshots as well. (Currently 4 customers subscribed to linksmate).

    Payment method: accept paypal or transferwise

    # #/radiant_light
    # .
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